Thursday, May 6, 2010

King Hussain bin talal

King Hussain was born in Amman on November 14, 1935. He was the longest serving of state in the world. He was the the forty-second descendant of the Prophet Muhammad. He was born in Amman on November 14, 1935. King Hussein has two brothers, Prince Muhammad and Crown Prince El Hassan, and one sister, Princess Basma. His parents were Prince Talal bin Abdullah and Princess Zein al-Sharaf bint Jamil.

Country #1
Amman, Jordan
King Hussein was the king of Jordan for many years, and he
accomplished a lot for his people.
In 1950, water, sanitation and electricity were available to only 10% of Jordanians, today these reach 99% of the population. In 1960 only 33% of Jordanians were literate, in 1996, this number had climbed to 85.5%. In 1961, the average Jordanian received a daily intake of 2198 calories, and by 1992, this figure had increased to reach 3022 calories. UNICEF statistics show that between 1981 and 1991, Jordan achieved the world’s fastest annual rate of decline in infant mortality –It was 70 deaths per 1000 births in 1981, then it reached 37 per 1000 in 1991. King Hussein always believed that Jordan’s people are its biggest asset, and throughout his reign he encouraged all of the kinds of people. He was down to earth and took care for the less fortunate, the disabled and the orphaned- to achieve more for themselves and their country.

Country #2

King Hussein recieved his education after high school in England. He first Harrow School in England. After he completed that he received his military education at the Royal Military Academy Sandhurst in England. That
impacted him because it made him be the brave and strong person he was it be able to do all of the accomplishments he did. That was because he went to the best place to get military education in the world. I think that if he didn’t go there, he would have never been able to accomplish all of his achievements, and he wouldn’t have been able to make a significance in our world because he would not be as strong as he was.

Country #3

Al-Quds (Jerusalem)
Early King Hussein’s life, and on July 20, 1951, his grandfather King Abdullah was martyred at al-Aqsa mosque in al-Quds (Jerusalem). King Hussein was there, with his grandfather, as they went regularly to perform Friday prayers. A medal King Abdullah had recently given the young Prince Hussein, and which he wore after his grandfather’s insistence, saved Hussein from the assassin’s bullet, and without it, he would have died, and would not have been able to be King of Jordan. That would have meant that he would not have accomplished all he did, such as bringing peace to the Middle East, and to improve Jordan a great deal!

Country #4

The Middle East Peace With Israel
King Hussein also struggled throughout his 47 year rule to promote peace in the Middle East. After the 1967
Arab-Israeli war, he was the person who pursued the UNSC Resolution 242, which tells Israel to withdraw from all the Arab lands it occupied in the 1967 war in exchange for peace. This resolution has served as the main one for subsequent peace negotiations. The 1994 Peace Treaty between Jordan and Israel is a major step toward achieving a just, comprehensive and lasting peace in the Middle East. King Hussein does all of that to promote peace and to put a stop to war.

Country #5

The Middle East Peace With Each Other
King Hussein worked hard to resolve disputes between Arab states. He wasted to have peace through the Middle East in order to not have war. During the 1990to 1991 Gulf Crisis, he exerted vigorous efforts to peacefullyeffect an Iraqi withdrawal and restore the sovereignty of Kuwait because he wanted to have those two countries have peace with each other. King Hussein always persevered in his pursuit of genuine Arab peace. Wherever a conflict arose between neighbors or within a country, such as his mediation in the Yemeni civil war. In almost every speech or forum His Majesty called for international humanitarian aid to relieve the people of Iraq from their daily suffering. He did all of that to have all of the countries in the Middle East have peace with each other so we would be one nation, to fight off anything that would come in our way.

Country #6

King Hussein studied up until college in Victoria College in Alexandria, Egypt. That ensured that he got the best learning to be able to have a good education to go to college. Also by getting knowledge, he would lead the country in a better way, and he would know how to act if something came in his way. Also so he could know how to act to bring
peace to the whole Middle East with Israel. Also, because he got a good education, people highly respected him, but his actions towards peace made him the loved person that he was.